Buses and Matrices

When modeling advanced software systems, a large number of data varying over time is considered and to be processed. The concepts of bus signals and matrix signals in Matlab/Simulink allows to aggregate and group data. E.g. the position of an object in 3D space can be expressed as a vector signal with 3 elements, one for each dimension. Similar, bus signals can group signals hierarchically.

Buses and Matrices

Testing software models including bus and matrix signals is a standard task using Arttest. Arttest analyzes the model under test and ensures, that only existing signals, w.r.t matrix dimensionality or bus elements, are used within the test. Moreover, Arttest enables you to declare specific identifiers for the elements of a bus or matrix and address them individually during test specification in the same way as any scalar signal, e.g. to set values for the signal elements or to specify an expected behaviour.

Since Arttest manages the acces and observation of bus and matrix signals used in the tests, there is no need to adapt models for testing or require any knowledge about model implementation. Hence, focus can be put on test specification to increase efficiency in test creation.